테슬라는 자사의 전기차를 구매할 때 비트코인으로 결제가 가능한데요.
Initiate payment from your Bitcoin wallet.
위의 내용에서 자세한 내용을 볼 수 있습니다.
테슬라 비트코인 결제 관련 논란
먼저 비트코인 결제에 대한 책임은 모두 소비자에게 있으며,
특히 비트코인을 더 입금하게 되면, 최악의 경우 환불을 못받을 수 있습니다.
즉 현재 1비트코인에 약 6000만원 선인데요. 차 가격이 1비트코인인데, 실수로 10비트코인을 입금하면
돌려 받지 못할 수도 있습니다.
그리고 무엇보다 논란이 된 것은 환불조항인데요.
- 1 비트 = 5천달러 = 테슬라 1대 로 구매했다고 가정할 때
- 비트코인 폭등 1비트 = 1억됨 -> 환불 요청 -> 1비트 환불 X, 현금 5천달러 지급
- 비트코인 폭락 1비트 = 1천 달러 됨 -> 환불 요청 -> 1비트 환불 O, 현금 환불 불가
즉, 비트코인으로 테스라 전기차를 구매할 경우 환불은 테슬라 마음대로 환불이 됩니다.
전체 조항은 아래와 같습니다.
What You Need To Know If You Use Bitcoin
We hope you’re excited to use Bitcoin to purchase eligible Tesla products and services! You can find a ton of helpful information here and in the “Bitcoin FAQ”. Please read both carefully because, when you use Bitcoin to purchase from us, you’re agreeing to everything said here and in the FAQ. Bitcoin Payments Are Irreversible. That’s just the way the Bitcoin network works — no do-overs. So please make sure you enter the correct Bitcoin price in the amount field and the correct Bitcoin address in the recipient field. Underpayments and Overpayments. It’s your responsibility to make sure your Bitcoin payment matches the purchase price we give you. The Bitcoin price will expire after some time; and if it expires before you finish the payment process, you might have to start over, which could result in a new Bitcoin price. For order fees and deposits, if you don’t send the exact Bitcoin price we list, we might cancel your order and refund you. And this is important: for final payments, if you enter an amount LESS than the exact Bitcoin price, we’ll apply your payment to the amount due and you’ll need to pay the outstanding balance. But please don’t overpay us: if you enter an amount MORE than the Bitcoin price, we might not be able to return the extra amount. Also, we might not always accept Bitcoin as a payment method. Refunds and Buybacks. If you’re entitled to a refund or a buyback, we can refund to you either (1) the exact Bitcoin amount that you entered when you made the purchase or (2) the original U.S. Dollar price of the purchase. And it’s up to us which one happens; you don’t get to choose (we might choose one option over the other to try to get you your refund quicker). But that also means the risk is all on you if the Bitcoin value changes between the time you made the purchase and the time you get the refund (in the form we choose). So, for example, if we refund you in Bitcoin, the value of that Bitcoin amount might be a lot less than it was when you paid it to us; and if we refund you in U.S. Dollars, that U.S. Dollar amount might be a lot less than the current market value of the Bitcoin amount you used to make your payment. Obeying the Law. If you use Bitcoin, you have to obey all the laws that apply to your use of Bitcoin. Plus, you understand that we need to verify that you are who you say you are, so you agree: • to give us all information that we ask for (so that we can verify who you are) and that it is 100% accurate (and you’ll update us if any information changes) • to give us permission to ask others for information about you to verify you are who you say you are and to take action to verify your identity and protect us all against fraud or financial crime • to allow us to share your personal information with credit bureaus or with government agencies that investigate fraud or financial crime (for information on how we handle your information, please see Tesla's Privacy Notice at www.tesla.com/about/legal).
테슬라로 비트코인 구매시는 많은 주의가 필요할 것 같습니다.
또한 일론 머스크는 스페이스X를 통해 달탐사를 할 경우에는 도지코인으로 받는다고 합니다.
스페이스X의 'DOGE-1 Mission to the moon'은 내년에 실행된다고 합니다.
해단 기사를 구글 번역을 번역해보면 22년 1분기에 시작되며, 도지코인으로 결제가 가능하다고 합니다.
과연 테슬라의 비트코인처럼 스페이스X는 도지코인으로 결제가 가능할지 궁금합니다.
일론 머스크는 과연 어떤 인물로 기억될지...
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